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911 Addressing

911 Addressing Technician

(570) 723-8253

What is a 911 Address?

A 911 Address is a street number assigned to and displayed on or near an addressable structure, in accordance with Tioga County 911 Standards and Protocols and local municipal ordinances. Street numbers are in place for your safety so that emergency responders can find locations quicker in the event of an emergency.  

Who has to have an 911 Address?

All addressable structures must have a 911 Address assigned by the Tioga County Department of Emergency Services, regardless of the type of structure (i.e., residential vs. commercial vs. industrial).
An addressable structure is defined as...
…a permanent structures with living or business space must be addressed for 911 Addressing Standards in Tioga County. This includes houses, camps, trailers (single and double wide), apartments, office buildings, gas wells, compression sites, commercial buildings and retail locations. Outbuildings such as sheds, pole barns, and garages need not be addressed, but can be if requested by the property owner. 

When should I get a 911 Address? 

For new buildings, a 911 Address should be requested and assigned to a structure PRIOR to the beginning of construction.
If you do not have an address, you will not be able to secure the proper utilities that are required for homeownership and or building protocols.

For existing structures, a 911 Address should be requested in the rare event that you do not have one, you would like one for a seasonal camp/cabin, or if you are not sure of the exact 911 Number.  

Where do I get a 911 Address? 

The Tioga County Department of Emergency Services 911 Addressing Technician is the only entity that can provide a 911 Address. This office works closely with post offices, municipal offices, and the 911 Dispatch Center to ensure that they are aware of new addresses/address changes. The person requesting the address is responsible for all corresponding and personal address changes that need to be made. 911 Addresses cannot be created through a local municipality, State Department of Transportation, the United States Postal Service (USPS) or any other entity.

How do I get an 911 Address?

Click Here: 911 Address Application

A 911 Address in Tioga County can only be assigned by the 911 Addressing Technician.  

  • STEP 1 – Identify the location that needs an address.
                         -For further information, please see “When should I get a 911 Address?” above.
  • STEP 2 – Complete the 911 Address Application and submit to the Tioga County GIS Department by mail (118 Main Street, Wellsboro PA  16901). 
                     Email (szubek@tiogacountypa.us).
  • STEP 3 – 911 Addressing Technician will review and assign a 911 Address.
                    -Per Tioga County Mapping and Emergency Services standards, each township has a designation of how many addresses can go on a                               section of roadway. Dependent on where your access road/driveway meets the road the new addressable structure is located on is how                            the configuration of numbers is used throughout the county. Only the Addressing Office can assign this number.  
  • STEP 4 – You will receive confirmation of your 911 Address with phone call from our office,
                           and a written Address Verification letter sent via mail (to your current mailing address) or email.  
  • STEP 5 – You must post a 911 Address Sign displaying your address according to local ordinance.
                          -More information can be found in the “What is a 911 Address?” section. 
  • STEP 6 – You may begin using your new 911 Address. 

How much does a 911 Address cost? 

Applying for and receiving an address is free of charge. The only cost will be for the purchase of a Blue Reflective 911 Sign, which can be ordered through by following the “How do I get an address sign?” section.

What is an address sign? (Blue Reflective 911 Sign) 
There are many different ways to display a 911 address, however every municipality in Tioga County has signed an ordinance requiring that:


“The assigned street numbers shall be either affixed directly to the building or post or displayed on a sign affixed to the building or post. The street number shall be displayed in such a manner that the numbers will contrast in color with the background and will be observed and readable from the nearest public or private roadway.  All numbers shall be in standard Arabic numerals, not less than four (4) inches in height and not less than one half-inch in width.  It is recommended that the numbers be reflective for greater nighttime visibility.”


A countywide standard suggests a blue metal sign with white reflective letters.

Who has to have an address sign? (Blue Reflective 911 Sign) 

Any structure in Tioga County with a 911 Address assigned to it must also have a 911 Address sign displayed on or near the addressable structure so that the sign is visible from the roadway. A countywide standard suggests a blue metal sign with white reflective letters.

When do I need an address sign? (Blue Reflective 911 Sign) 

As soon as an address is assigned to a structure, an address sign needs to be posted on or near the building so that it is visible from the roadway. This is due to local ordinance. If your previous sign has been lost/stolen or has been damaged, you should request a new one as soon as possible.

Where do I get an address sign? (Blue Reflective 911 Sign) 

The Tioga County Department of Emergency Services maintains a small inventory of Blue Reflective 911 address signs and letters/numbers at all times. In order to purchase a sign, please submit a completed Address Sign Order Form the Department of Emergency Services.
Other Potential locations to purchase 911 address signs are:

  • Middlebury Fire Station (570-376-3831)
  • Wellsboro Fire Annex
  • Some Building Supply stores (reflective sticker numbers).

How do I get an address sign? (Blue Reflective 911 Sign) 

To order, call the Tioga County 911 Addressing Technician at (570) 723-8108 or (570) 724-9110. In order to purchase a sign, please submit a completed Address Sign Order Form to the Department of Emergency Services.
For further information on what type of sign is required, please refer to your municipality’s 911 Addressing Ordinance

How much does an address sign cost? (Blue Reflective 911 Sign)

Regularly-sized signs are available for as little as $10 (one-sided) and up to $12 (two-sided).

What are the different types of roadways and what do they mean?

For a complete list of Municipality Addressing Ordinances, go here.