The Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) and the ordinance that created the body define the role of a county planning commission. Article II, Section 209.1 of the MPC sets forth the powers and duties of the planning commission. A county planning commission serves as an official advisory body to the County Board of Commissioners and is made up of nine citizen volunteers appointed by the Commissioners. The Tioga County Planning Commission membership represents diverse interests within the county and includes people from the northern, southern, eastern, western and central regions.
A primary function of the commission in this advisory capacity is to prepare a comprehensive plan of the county and to present such plan to the governing body for consideration. County planning commissions also have the responsibility for the preparation and administration of subdivision and land development regulations. In this role the commission has the authority to approve, deny, and place certain conditions on development proposals that come under the jurisdiction of the county ordinance. In addition to establishing a comprehensive plan and overseeing subdivision and land development regulations, other responsibilities of the county planning commission may include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Making recommendations to the governing body concerning the need to update or amend the county comprehensive plan;
- Promote the public interest in, and understanding of, the comprehensive plan and planning;
- Conduct special studies and prepare reports; Oversee the implementation of certain plan findings and recommendations;
- Review and provide comment on subdivision and land development plans, planned residential developments, zoning ordinances, comprehensive plans, and zoning ordinance amendments from municipalities in the county;
- Track growth, new development, and land use trends;
- Review and comment on laws (existing and new) that have an impact on the effectiveness of local government planning and the operations of the county planning commission;
- Attend, host, and sponsor training workshops, seminars, and conferences on planning related issues; and
- Provide guidance to Planning Department staff.

City: Wellsboro, PA
Zip code: 16901
Hours: 8 am - 4:30 pm M-F
Phone: 570-723-8251
Planning Documents
- 2024 Annual Report Final
- Comprehensive Plan Existing Conditions
- Comprehensive Plan Goals, Recommendations and Actions
- Tioga County Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance-Final 8-13-13
- Tioga County Subdivisions & Land Development Application
- Tioga County Non Residential Solar Energy System Ordinance
- Tioga County Lighting Ordinance 2024
- Tioga County Junkyard and Refuse Ordinance
- Tioga County Mobile Home Park Ordinance
- Certified 2023 Tioga County Farmland Pres Program
- List of Townships with Land Use Ordinances