Tioga County Agricultural Farmland Preservation Program
It is the policy of Tioga County to conserve and protect agricultural lands. The preservation program will ensure that farmers in the County have sufficient agricultural lands to provide farm products for the people of Tioga County, Pennsylvania, and the United States.
It is the purpose of the program to protect viable agricultural lands by acquiring agricultural conservation easements which prevent the development or improvement of the land for any purpose other than agricultural production.
Agricultural Conservation easements restrict and limit the conversion of farmland to nonagricultural use. The easements are purchased in perpetuity.
Applications will be accepted on an annual basis from the first business day in January through the first business day in March.
Landowners interested in applying for easement purchase on their land can obtain an application and discuss the program by contacting the Tioga County Planning Office.
For more information on the County Program, click on the link below: