Absentee & Mail-in Voting
Election Ballot Drop Box location is at the Tioga County Court House:
Located in the front Lobby in Security. Hours- Mon.- Fri. 8:00am-4:30pm Election Day Hours- 8:00am-8:00pm
You must send your ballot back inside both envelopes (secrecy envelope & outer envelope) complete all the information and sign the outer envelope or your vote will not count.
You can only return your own ballot unless you are a voter with a disability who has designated an agent in writing.
Notice to Absentee and Mail-in Voters: A voter who receives an absentee ballot or mail-in ballot and appears at a polling place to vote in person on Election Day may only vote by provisional ballot. Unless the voter surrenders the official ballot and the official ballot return envelope to the Judge of Elections at the polling place to be spoiled.
Federal Post Card Application
These are for members of uniformed services, Merchant Marine on active duty or eligible spouses. U.S. citizen outside the U.S. temporarily or U.S. citizen outside the U.S. indefinitely.