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Election Day Info

Election Day for the Municipal Primary is May 20, 2025.

Polling places will operate from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM. Anyone in line by 8:00 PM will still be allowed to cast their vote.

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Getting Prepared

  • Not registered to vote yet? Fill out the application online here: Click Here
    Print this form and bring it to your local office or mail it in: Click Here 
    Not sure you also check your status: Click Here

    • Note: The deadline to register to vote or update your information is two weeks before Election Day.

  • Have you checked your polling location

    • Remember, the polling place locator uses your physical address, not just your municipality.

  • Did you look at a sample ballot?

    • If you're unsure about your municipality, district, or ward, use the polling place locator linked above to find this information.

  • Will you be in your voting district on Election Day? 

Have you sent back your voted absentee or mail-in ballot? 

The deadline to return your ballot is 8:00 pm on May 20, 2025. Postmarks do not count anymore. 

If you're hand-delivering, only the voter themselves or their designated agent can return the ballot. 

You can also use the dropbox located in the front lobby at the Tioga County Courthouse Annex. Located at 118 Main Street, Wellsboro PA 16901, it is recommended as the election nears.

  • Are you a first-time voter? 

    • First-time voters, including those voting at a polling place for the first time, must present an approved form of ID. 

      • Approved photo IDs (must be valid and not expired): 
        • PA driver's license or ID card from PennDot
        • ID from any Commonwealth or U.S. government agency
        • U.S. Passport
        • U.S. Armed Forces ID
        • Student or Employee ID

      • Approved non-photo IDs (must show name and address): 

        • Voter's identification card from the Elections Office
        • Non-photo ID from Commonwealth or U.S. Government
        • Firearm permit
        • Current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, or government check

Absentee and Mail-in Ballots on Election Day

  • Absentee and mail-in ballots need to be submitted by 8:00 PM on Election Day to be processed and included in the vote count.

  • You are NOT allowed to drop off a completed ballot at your polling place.

  • If you requested an absentee or mail-in ballot but decide to vote in person at your polling location instead, you have two options:

      • Option 1: Bring your ballot and declaration envelope to the polling site. Tell the poll worker you want to vote in person and are giving up your ballot and related materials. The poll worker will label your ballot as surrendered, seal it in an envelope to send back to the Elections Office, and ask you to sign a form confirming you’re forfeiting the ballot to vote in person. After that, you can vote as usual.

      • Option 2: If you never received your ballot or can’t find it, you can still vote at your polling place using a provisional ballot. After filling it out, hand it to the poll worker, who will place it in an envelope and record why you needed a provisional ballot. Your vote won’t be tallied on Election Day; instead, it will go to the Election Board for review. Once they confirm the provisional ballot’s validity, it will be opened, counted, and added to the total vote.

Party Chairpersons

Tioga County Democratic Party

Chair person: Gabe Hakvaag
Phone:  570-723-1711
Email: TiogaDems@gmail.com

Tioga County Republican Party

Chairperson: Sandra Wilson
Phone: 570-419-4914
Address: 16 Pearl Street Shop #7, Wellsboro PA 16901