Running For Office
Campaign Expenses
Campaign expenses refer to the costs candidates accrue for goods and services related to their election efforts. These can include items like audit and accounting fees, expenses for hosting fundraising events, loan interest, and similar charges. As a candidate, you are responsible for keeping copies of receipts for every expenditure.
Campaign Expense Forms
- Political Committee Registration Statement (DSEB-500)
- Authorization for a Political Committee to Receive Funds on Behalf of a Candidate (DSEB-501)
- Campaign Expense Report (under $250.00 - DESB-503)
- Campaign Expense Report (over $250.00 - DSEB-502)
- Late Contributions - 24 Hour Report
- Independent Expenditure Reporting Form (DESB-505)
Candidate Information
- For a general overview of common steps involved in running for local or state office
- Candidate’s Request for Walking List - Candidates running for office are eligible to receive one (1) complimentary Walking List during their election year.
- Write-in Instructions - The Tioga County Board of Elections suggests that write-in candidates supply voters with either cards or self-inking stamps displaying the candidate’s name as it is officially registered. Stickers are not permitted. Candidates should also encourage voters to write the name on the ballot exactly as shown on the provided card or stamp. Completed declarations should be submitted to Tioga County Voter Registration at 118 Main Street, Wellsboro, PA 16901.
- Write-in Consolidation - After the primary or election concludes, the Board of Elections is tasked with certifying the results. For write-in candidates, election law mandates that the Board tally and certify votes based precisely on how the names are written on the ballots and the candidate is registered.
- Candidates have the option to file a petition to combine votes under similar name variations. This petition must be submitted to the Monroe County Elections Office within five days of the Final Count’s completion.
- All write-in candidates are required to comply with the Campaign Finance Reporting Law. If a write-in candidate receives or spends $250.00 or more on their campaign, they must submit Campaign Finance Statements and Reports on time. Contact the Election Office prior to launching your campaign to obtain the necessary forms, reports, and filing deadlines. Additionally, all campaign advertising and signage must clearly indicate who is funding it.
Candidate Links
- Candidate's Proclamation
- Cast of Lots Letter of Proxy
- Requirements/Declaration for Write-in Candidates
- Poll Watcher Info
- Petition Request Form